Amanda DoAmaral is an educator, activist, and co-founder of Fiveable - a social learning network for students. She spent a half a decade teaching high school history in Oakland, CA, where her passion for creating equitable educational opportunities was ignited. Amanda has been a vocal advocate for inclusive history curriculum and is active within the Milwaukee tech community.
Amanda joins me today to discuss how teaching differs from being a tech startup CEO. She shares what skills she pulled from teaching to help her excel in the tech ed space. Amanda also tells her founder's story. Even as a young company, Fiveable has already acquired another company and Amanda takes us through that process and what made that company desirable.
“I hope that this is a moment where people shoot for the moon, rebuild, start, try something new, it doesn't have to be the way that it used to be.” - Amanda DoAmaral
Today on Startups for Good we cover:
- Important learnings from an accelerator
- When to bring on the engineering team
- Things to remember when hiring for equity rather than salary
- Bringing in a co-founder
- Criteria when choosing headquarter location
- The value of student employees at Fiveable
- Premium pricing vs. free content
- How to deal with a seasonal business
- Considering non-profit vs. for profit
Connect with Amanda on Twitter or at fiveable.me
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