Aaron Feuer is the co-founder and CEO of Panorama Education, a Boston-based education technology company that he launched while an undergraduate at Yale.
Panorama Education's college- and career-readiness tools, school climate surveys, and social-emotional learning assessments are currently used to support the success of more than 12 million K-12 students in 21,000 schools every year. Places like NYC, Dallas, Detroit, SF and Indianapolis.
When he was a high school student in Los Angeles, he got involved as an organizer to fight for better schools. They got a bill passed in California that encouraged schools to give students a voice through student surveys. However, the bill didn’t end up making much impact. And thus was born Panorama.
I kick off our discussion with Aaron by posing him with the question about how to change the world. We discuss the best ways to use the technology that Panorama has. He explains the differences and benefits of online and offline products in their offering. Aaron offers us some unique perspectives on student startups. He shares with us why belonging is so important in corporate culture and how Panorama fosters it.
“I think as a startup founder, you're constantly learning at every scale.”
- Aaron Feuer
Today on Startups for Good we cover:
- How schools assess the whole student experience today
- Learning how to be a startup founder
- The importance of good network advisors and a succession plan
- Figuring out how to tailor sales to schools
- How the power of the mission influences fundraising
- Some of the big challenges
Publications discussed in the episode:
Paul Graham’s essay about students and the power of poverty
The Hard about Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
Advantage by Joe Solari
High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove
So you Want to Talk About Race by ljeoma Oluo
Connect with Aaron on Twitter and at panoramaed.com
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